7 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Career

Spring is a time of renewal. The change in weather, seeing trees in bloom, changing our wardrobe, getting outside more – all these seem to naturally draw us to making some changes in our life, and that could include some spring cleaning in our career. Here are some tips to consider for spring cleaning in your career.

  1. Clean off your desk or work-space. Clutter keeps us from seeing our goals clearly. Clear out the old to make room for the new. Set up new files and get organized
  2. Clean up your email inbox. How many hundreds (or thousands) of emails do you have cluttering up your email?  Time to clear them out. It might also be a good time to better organize emails with filters to help all future emails arrive already sorted. It’s also a good time to unsubscribe from any newsletters you’re really not finding helpful or interesting.
  3. Review your goals. It’s easy to lose sight of our goals when caught up in the day-to-day tasks of our work. With some of the clutter cleared out, where do you stand with your goals? Set aside some uninterrupted time to review your goals. Are you enjoying the work you are doing? Is your work helping you achieve your financial goals in life? Do you see a clear path in your career? What changes might you need to make to reach your goals?
  4. Update your resume. Think about your recent achievements, projects you’ve been involved with, new skills you’ve developed. Keeping your resume updated allows you to move quickly on any new opportunities that becomes available.
  5. Update your LinkedIn profile and add to your contacts list, on LinkedIn or otherwise. Gather up those business cards you’ve received lately. Review the suggestions given on LinkedIn. Update your summary. Add in new projects/tasks you’ve been involved with. Seek out additional recommendations, and make a few recommendations for those you have worked with recently.
  6. Review your educational needs. What will help you move forward toward your goals? Check into the offerings through any professional associations you belong to. Take a class, just because it interests you.
  7. Get busy networking. Send a brief update to your contacts. Ask about what they are involved with and offer help where you have something to offer. Set up times to meet for lunch or coffee. As you get out more for spring gatherings, keep some business cards handy. The best time to network is when you are not job seeking. You’re simply making connections.

Spring is a great time to be getting your career in good order, ready for what opportunities may come up in the near future.

By Alicia Philipp, MS, LPC, NCC,
Career Counselor