Career Counseling- For Adults Already in the Workplace

I get asked often, “Which types of clients do you see the most?” With the Career Counseling side of my business, I like the variety of clients I see, from high school students up through those considering retirement. But by far, the Career Counseling client I see the most (because there are simply so many people in this situation) is someone who has been working for a while but is unhappy with their current work situation, for a number of possible reasons. Career Counseling may be helpful to you if you are:

  • DISSATISFIED with your current career, experiencing burn-out, or feeling boredom, or lack of challenge.
  • STRESSED or CONFLICTED in your current job, maybe not sure why, and are not sure what to do.
  • SHIFTED from your earlier life interests and values and your current career doesn’t reflect who you are.
  • RETURNING to the workforce after Military service, caring for children or the elderly, or other reasons.
  • FRUSTRATED while trying to get ahead in your current career.
  • CONSIDERING a return to school for a different or advanced degree and want to affirm your choice.
  • TIRED of short-term jobs, or having difficulty getting along with bosses and coworkers.
  • RETIRING and considering other options.

There are a few options in how we might work together to help you change your career situation:

Career Planning & Assessment

This option allows you to get a clearer focus on what is most important to you in making decisions about moving forward with your career plan. I offer a Career Assessment Package (combining 3.5 sessions with 4 professional career assessments), but some clients, especially if they have already done assessments previously, may choose to meet on a session-by-session basis. In some cases, a client may just want to take one or two of the assessments if they’ve done others before. The assessments I regularly utilize evaluate areas including your interests, personality preferences, values, and abilities. These 4 components are very helpful to pay attention to when making decisions about your career. We will decide together what process may be best for your situation.

Navigating Career Challenges/ Work-Life Balance Issues/ Stress Management

For some clients, we can work together to develop strategies for coping with challenging situations in the workplace. Not everyone needs to change careers or employers. If you are experiencing frustrations in dealing with pending layoffs, personality conflicts with a boss or coworker, consistent underemployment/seeking to get ahead in your career, stress related to transition after reentering the workforce, or any number of situations that can create added stress and anxiety, we can work together on a weekly, or bi-weekly basis, in-person, or by phone or secure video, to talk through the issues and develop a strategy for understanding and managing the difficulties to help you move forward.